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Debt collectors would rather talk to you over the telephone because it’s beneficial to them. They use aggressive tactics and are getting tougher. Your educated approach of dealing with debt collectors will be one of the three options.

You tell them to leave you alone - not the best move

You have the legal right to tell a collection agency to leave you alone. Simply write to the collection agency and tell it to cease all communications with you.

improve your credit

Once the collection agency receives your letter they can communicate with you one more time to inform you what action they are going to take. Be aware however that one of the options they have is to sue you.

You can buy some time - better

You can delay collection efforts if you raise legitimate questions about the debt. You can buy some time by requesting specific information from the collection agency. If you request this information, the agency must stop efforts to collect the debt until it mails you the information.

The best way to respond - best of the two worlds

  • The best way to respond is to send a different letter to the collectors. [more].
  • You may be able to prevent certain collection tactics, particularly if you don’t own much.